Zoeller Sewage Pump

- Durable, cast iron constructed switch case, motor and pump housing, base and impeller
- No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode
- All cast iron class 30 30000# tensile strength
- Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle, guard and arm and seal assembly
- Shaft seal – Carbon and ceramic rotary face seal, with stainless steel wetted parts
- SAE 1117 carbon steel motor shaft (single seal models)
- Upper and lower ball bearing running in bath of oil
- Maximum temperature for sewage or dewatering: 130° F (54° C)
- Oil-filled, hermetically-sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protected motor (1 Ph and auto 3 Ph) All models available in 2” or 3” discharge
- All models pass 2” (50 mm) spherical solids.
- Automatic units available with float-operated, submersible mechanical switch**
- Corrosion-resistant, powder coated epoxy finish
- On point: 15¼” (38.7cm)
- Off point: 5¼” (13cm)
- Major width: 13-9/16” (34.4cm) (single seal pumps)
- Major height: 19-9/16” (49.7cm) (single seal pumps)
- Automatic or non-automatic with single seal
- Non-automatic with double seals
- 1 or 3 Ph motors available
- See selection chart for specifications or specific models Models 282, 4282 double seal pumps (non-automatic only)