Zoeller Sewage Pumps

- Durable, ASTM Class 25 cast iron motor housing cover and pump housing
- Engineered plastic base on model 270
- Not affected by materials normally found in drainage and sewage sumps
- Stainless steel screws, bolts and handle
- Oil-filled, hermetically-sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protected motor
- Neoprene square ring & gasket
- Carbon and ceramic shaft seal
- 4270 series double seal pump available
- Cast iron base on 4270
- Upper sleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in a bath of oil
- Passes 2” (50 mm) spherical solids
- 2” NPT discharge
- Corrosion-resistant, powder coated epoxy finish
- Models available packaged with a piggyback variable level float switch
- Simplex and duplex systems available
- Packaged systems available
- Consult factory for special applications.
- Electrical alternators for duplex systems available with variable level control switches
- Minimum recommended basin size (small load applications): simplex – 18” x 30” (45.7 x 76.2 cm), duplex – 30” x 30” (76.2 x 91.4 cm)
- Standard model 270 – 49 lbs (22 Kg)
- Standard model 4270 – 73 lbs (33 Kg)
- High water alarms available
- Mechanical alternators available for duplex systems